HEX To Color Matrix Converter

Does your icon have a: fill

click to copy code snippets

<svg id="svg">
        <filter id="colorFilter">
                values="1   0   0   0   0
                        0   1   0   0   0
                        0   0   1   0   0
                        0   0   0   1   0 "/>
          filter: url(#colorFilter);

HEX To Color Matrix Converter 

HEX To Color Matrix
HEX To Color Matrix Converter

The image is combined with the specific color by setting feColorMatrix to rgb value, the threshold of doing HEX To Color Matrix Converter all values are divided by 255 to change to 0 to 1 scale, allows color conversion to multiple formats such as HEX, RGB.

Camel, Kebab, Snake Case Converter
